Sunday, May 20, 2012

Run By Scituate Light 10K

Today was the day: my 1st race since I started training, I was hella nervous because even though this was nothing just another race (I've done plenty in my life) I felt like this would tell me if training so far has been good or a bust. I have been struggling, chalking it up to getting older (new body aches), being out of shape this time around and my lifestyle has changed. I now live with my fiance and when I trained for the NY marathon I was single. Which really makes a big difference when you have 2 peoples schedules now instead of just your own to worry about, it takes a little adjusting and better time management skills. 

When I ran the NYC marathon back in 2009 (holy cow was it really that long ago?!?) I joined my running club community running who got me through all the ups and downs of training. While I plan on joining again I just haven't gotten around to it due to my crazy schedule, but I fully plan on doing so when I return from Europe.

Anyways back to the race I was putting a lot of pressure on my self because I just wanted my times to be where they use to be or at least close. The alarm went off at 7:45am and John got up and showered while I ate breakfast and went through my getting ready to run routine. Since I am anal superstitious when I comes to these things I now stick to my routine before every long run or race. Why change a perfectly good thing, right?
  • alarm goes off
  • snooze once
  • changing in running gear
  • eat breakfast- usually piece of toast w/peanut butter and oatmeal w/glass of oj
  • do my hair (yup, even my hair has to be pulled back correctly) you don't want it falling out in the middle of the run no distractions!
  • brush teeth
  • socks, shoes
  • running watch
  • out the door I go
We hopped in the car and drove the 40 mins to the race. While John was trying to be a sweetheart and chatting me up so I didn't think about the race I had to focus.When we got there I picked  up my number, did some stretching and waited for the call to the start line.

As you can see I was # 68 yup, it was a small race only about 100 people, and being in a small town everyone knew everyone.

The race started at 10am we lined up at the start line and off we went!

me in the blue compression socks
John was able to catch me during the 1st mile in.
Side note: the guy behind me breathing was sooo loud it was totally distracting.

Then after that I was on my own. I thought the course was going to be flat being near the shore and all but mile 3 and 4 were ROUGH! There wasn't a huge hill but the slow gradual climbing hill that doesn't really look like a hill and it was hot! Mile 5 was better and then I saw mile 6! Then the turn to the finish line and then I sprinted it out.

running down to the finish
just before the finish line


And my time wasn't to bad but still room for improvement I made it under an hour which was what I was hoping for. Here are my splits:
mile 1 and 2  I killed it, then the hill set in.

mile 1- 8:38
mile 2- 8:51
mile 3- 9:20
mile 4- 9:47
mile 5- 9:30
mile 6- 9:33


Leah said...

Great Job Michele!! Baby and Me are very proud of you!

Michele said...

Thanks Leah & Baby!!!!

Unknown said...

great job! I miss running.

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