Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pumpkin chili tacos with a side of musical

John has a man date tonight with Trevor they are going to Moo a steak house of course. :) I came home from work today not in the greatest mood work has been busy and a little stressful so I was glad to be able to have some down time to myself. It also means I can eat a earlier dinner, I figured I should eat up some of the chili. I looked in the fridge and saw we had tortillas and decided pumpkin chili tacos it was! It was actually pretty delicious and super easy. I heated up some leftover chili  placed it on one of the tortillas

added some cheese, sour cream

cut up some lettuce and tomatoes.

I ate 2 of these Mmmm.

After dinner I started to watch my DVR shows (the girly ones John doesn't like) and I saw I had 3 episodes of glee. Now glee is usually the last choice of my DVR shows to watch the story line well not so great, and the fact that is geared towards high schoolers and not 30 year olds and all the tennage drama and angst. But I figured I should get them off the DVR so I started to watch one episode and then it happened the amazingness that is the sing and dancing. The reminder of why I have yet to take this show off my DVR'd list. I LOVE singing and dance I often have day dreams of myself breaking out in song and dance on the T and everyone joining in just like in the movies. But sadly I have NO musical talent what so ever and well my dancing skills are less then up to par as we discussed previously. And as John tried to re-account the story to me of my fist pumping (maybe I watch to much Jersey shore?) and jumping up and down white girl moves I so greatly displayed on the dance floor at the wedding.  

I think if I am ever reincarnated I am going to come back as a musical star. Now that my good mood has been restored  I am off to add more songs to my ipod for tomorrow T ride. And I'll leave you with this:

Good Night!

From the musical star with in


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