In my opinion apple picking is the gateway to fall, it means all the yummy fall treats apple pie, apple sauce, and apple butter. I have been so busy this month I haven't had a free weekend to go yet so when I found out that this weekend was going to be so crappy weather (our first snow storm of the year) I asked John if he wanted to go Friday afternoon. We ended up going to Honey Pot Farms since it was the only place that still seemed to have apples left. The views on the way there were gorgeous.
We ended up with 41 apples total! I am so excited I have plans to make 5 days of apple recipes! So stay tuned...
We also decided to stop and pick some pumpkins.
to many to pick from |
they had 3 huge pumpkins as big as me! |
scarecrow that was watching over the pumpkins |
We ended up with these guys
John was excited to carve the pumpkin, his original idea was to carve the Patriots logo but that was a fail and just went with a scary face instead.
We off to a yummy dinner and meet our friends for drinks!
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