Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hiking & Dinner from Bob's

Today in Boston was a perfect weather day! I knew I had to do something outside or I would have been a waste of a person so I gave John the option of either a) renting bikes or b) hiking. He chose hiking so on we found a list of 15 best places to hike in or near Boston. After examining the list we decided on Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary which is about a 20 min drive. So we packed a bag with water and sandwiches and headed out. Upon arriving we took a look at the map and decided that we would head in the direction of the gazebo area where we would eat our lunch.

There was no one trail that lead straight to the gazebo so we decided to take our time and hike through the different trails to get there. Here are just a few of the trails that we hiked.

Along the trails the scenery was really amazing, there was an area for nesting birds, remnants of a tree cut down by a beaver lots of lily pad flowers (which were beautiful), creepy holes in the ground and cool stone arch ways.

John trying to figure out which way to go

After a long afternoon of hiking John and I decided to come home and make something on the grill. Our friend Timmy came over to join us since it was such a nice day outside. We weren't hungry so we decied to play a game before dinner that Timmy brought over. I am usually really bad at games and I don't play them often but I thought I'd give it a try. This was actually a pretty good game, it was long but what made it good was that at any point through out the game you could not tell if you were the one wining or your opponents.

Finally around I believe 8:30ish we decided we were hungry so on the grill the food went. We ended up getting marinated chicken and steak from Bob's with a side of tortellini salad.  The food was amazing Bob's is always a good choice. :)

After dinner I am now sitting blogging and John and Timmy are playing Dr Mario, I think John is losing pretty bad to Timmy. :) Timmy just also informed me that all his meals came from Bob's today so if that isn't reinforcement that you should try it if you in the area I don't know what is!! :)


Unknown said...

Michele! I didn't know you had a blog. I found the link in my stats and i was like woah this girl and i write about the same stuff, food, hiking and shes in mass then i scrolled down far enough to see the picture of you and john. Ha. Consider yourself followed!

Michele said...

Ha! Thanks Katie! I just started about a month ago I have been thinking about it for a while so I'd thought I'd give it a try :)

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