Monday, September 10, 2012

Lettuce Taco wraps- Take 2

The 2nd variety comes everyones favorite white meat chicken!  I borrowed this recipe from Eat.Live Run.
It was super easy and minimum clean up involved.

Start with a slower cooker and add the following:

  • 1.5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast coated in taco seasoning

  • Next cut up a yellow onion and jalapeno and add them on top (I would de-seed the jalapeno if you don't want it to spicy)

  • Next add a jar of your favorite salsa, any heat you like but remember it will get hotter as it cooks. I learned this lesson the hard way. 

  • Then cook on high for 4 hours, when done pull the chicken out and shred it. 
  • The shredded chicken goes back in the slower cooker and get mixed in with the salsa mixture.

Once heated and mixed together, enjoy with tortillas or for a healthier version butter lettuce leaves.


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