Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Comfort food-baked mac & cheese w/caramelized onions & ribs

I needed comfort food tonight, (I apologize ahead of time for any boys that read this blog) but it is that time of the month next week and that means I eat non-stop, crave comfort food. and I also had a boat load of leftover ribs from Sunday's dinner that I need to do something with.

I planned on trying to create a recipe a week, but I didn't have anything planned for dinner and I was in the mood for mac & cheese. So when I got home from work I googled baked mac & cheese with caramelized onions & ribs, needless to say it came up with nothing probably because it was such along search.  So I was on my own!

I chopped the onions and caramelized them in a pan with some butter

Then I started the noodles cooking, and chopped up some of the left over ribs.

After everything was done cooking I mixed together 1 cup of 1% milk a dash of cayenne pepper and a dash of nutmeg, I then added 2 T of flour and heated to thicken.

I then added shredded Cabot cheddar and Romano cheese.

Once all mixed together I added in the noodles, onions and ribs poured into a baking dish and added some toasted panko bread crumbs. It tasted really good before I put it in the oven so I am crossing my fingers it still taste good when it comes out.

To my luck it turned out ok, it was creamy on the inside but it did  have a smack you in the face cheese flavor. Probably because I used 2 strong flavored cheeses. 

I'm off to have a phone date with my best friend Sarah!! 

We use to work together and use to be roommates, we were practically joined at the hip then she moved away for med school. I don't get to see her as often as I would like but I am hoping that one day we she will move back to the Boston area. 


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