Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cleaning out the fridge

We are leaving tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn to fly to Portland, OR for John's friends wedding. Although I am excited for a mini-vacation via a wedding I am not looking forward to getting up at 3am to catch my flight. Which also means I have to have everything ready to go before go to bed Tues night.

Tonight I had to find a dress for the wedding it's casual dress so guys don't have to wear suits but that doesn't mean to much of a change for the girls. I hate shopping so I was dreading the fact that I was probably going to have to try on dress after dress . And I was right! I must have tried on what seemed like the 15-20 dresses with no success. Then I decided to give Macy's one last sweep and I found these and they were 40% off! which made trying on all those dress kinda worth it. :)

I am leaning towards the blue one for the wedding (it's on the beach) and the black one for the girls night at a wine bistro.

For dinner I was cleaning out the fridge so it was a weird mix of things, guacamole with pita chips, cut up tomatoes and cucumbers and a "tart" with ham and caramelized onions. I did not make the tart it was a frozen special from Trader Joe's.

Now I'm off to clean the apt and catch up on laundry.


Deb said...

Have fun and i like the dresses.. You will be the most beautiful one there..love you guys..deb

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