Wednesday, December 7, 2011


In continuing with the leftover theme tonight's dinner was a mix of vegetables made into a salad. Started with some lettuce and added carrots, cucumbers, peppers, some leftover steak pieces, tomatoes and of course some feta. I topped it with some balsamic vinegar salad dressing and dinner was served!

Afterwards I noticed the mangos we had were finally ripening up so I decided to make some of my super secret recipe for mango salsa ! Well it's not that super secret but every time I make it everyone always ask me if I put something special in it because it's really good. My answer nope! Here's what I do:
  • dice a red bell pepper 
  • dice up a red onion
  • cut up some fresh cilantro
  • finally cut your mango into small chunks
Mix all together add a little lime juice and your done! Simple, easy and the best mango salsa you'll ever have. I think if there is any trick it is to make sure your mango's are perfectly ripe. It really does make a difference I made some with not quite ripe mango's and it just wasn't the same.

I had some with water crackers because we were out of tortilla chips :(  It was between the crackers and ruffles potato chips I thought the crackers were a better choice. :)



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