Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 fun facts about yogurt

Today I learned 3 fun facts about yogurt:
  1. Yogurt help gives dog shiny coats
  2. Yogurt helps to prevent rats and mice from eating their babies (maybe not the best fun fact)
  3. Yogurt can help us lose weight (the bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus)
    Lactobacillus bulgaricus (picture from the internet)
    For those of you wondering where I learned these fun facts it's probably not what you are thinking at all! I work in a lab at the Broad Institute where I  work do genetic research on dog cancer. Yup, you read that right dog cancer! Dogs and humans are 99.9% the same, by finding the genes that are causing these disease in dogs we in return can help humans!

    Important to note: We do not actually do the research on dogs, we just collect a small blood sample and use their DNA. Many people have asked me that in the past, I would never want to hurt our four legged friends!

    Here is all the dogs I love in my life:
    Kelly my golden retriever

     Peaches on the right Kelly on the left
    Mayla Leah & Keith's dog (picture borrowed from Leah's blog)
    Rizzo John's parents dog (pictured borrowed from Leah's website)

    Anyway back to the yogurt fun facts at work today one of the labs here was giving a talk and they discussed the above fun facts about the bacteria found in yogurt! So there you have it, you and your dog should eat a yogurt a day!

    If you interested in the talk you can read about it here: Gut check
    Disclaimer: This does not  mean yogurt alone helps you lose weight.


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