Saturday John had invited his friend Brian his wife Jen and there 3 month old baby Mia to visit us for the day at the lake house. John and I both woke up early since we were both in bed by 12, upon waking I decided that I would sit out in the sun for at least an hour and read my kindle before having to shower and prep lunch. Saturday was a gorgeous day it was sunny and warm and hardly any clouds in the sky. After my sun bathing was over I cleaned myself up and John and I prepared a summer slaw to eat for lunch and dinner. Brian, Jen and Mia showed up around 12:30 and we started lunch immediately, which was simple hot dogs and turkey sandwiches with cole slaw and watermelon. The rest of the day Jen and I relaxed outside in the shade with Mia while the boys played with the ski doos.

When dinner time rolled around we had planned to make blue cheese stuffed burgers. I rarely ever make hamburgers at home I usually save burgers to order for when go out to eat since they taste better. :) Before going back to school Brian was a chef for a couple of years so he helped and gave me a few pointers for preparing the burgers. Then John and Brian grilled them while Jen and I talked about how cute Mia was (sorry for lack of pictures I was to busy with the baby). :)
cole slaw we had for lunch and left overs for dinner |
blue cheese oozing out the sides |
After dinner we all talked for a little longer then it was time for them to leave, Mia was getting tired and was getting close to her bedtime but not before I suck in any time they need a babysitter to give me a call. Who wouldn't want to watch that cute face and I'll leave you with this. :)
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