Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicago 17 hour drive

Our friend Timmy recently accepted a job at DePaul University in Chicago and I offered to make the 17 hour drive with him and Sam (his cat). Oh what a drive the first half of the trip went fine the 2nd half we ran into construction and sleepiness started to set in. We left Boston at 3pm and arrived at his new apartment at 7am, driving straight through! (minus pee and food breaks)

beginning of drive

in his new apt
 The first 2 days I don't have any pictures of it was spent unpacking, trips to Ikea, and waiting for movers. Friday however we decided to take a break and have a fun filled day of Chicago tourism. Starting with the aquarium.

pardon me I have a little leftover breakfast on my lip

After the aquarium we headed to one of Timmy's favorite restaurants an Asian fusion type of place.

Pictures a little blurry but it was a rice bowl with Korean steak, veggies and some amazing sauce.
After lunch we walked around the city a little more exploring their "Newbury street" and Millenium park.

They had these creepy fountain things that had faces on them that interacted with each other and then spit water out.

After walking around we were exhausted and headed back to the apt to make pork and chicken adbo for dinner.

Then we headed to the local Boston bar to watch the Red Sox lose to the Yankees Boo. :(


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